The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Presented by Prime Stage Theatre Mar 3, 4, 10, 11 I 8:00PM Mar 5, 11, 12 I 2:30PM On a rainy day in London, four children step through a magical wardrobe and discover an enchanted kingdom filled with fantasy, mystical characters, and suspense. GET TICKETS Rediscover Presented by Texture Contemporary Ballet Mar 17–18 I 8:00PM Mar 19 | 2:00PM Texture offers an evening of entirely new choreography! Enjoy an awesome performance, featuring new works that return to Texture's classical roots and reconnect with their long-time musical guests Cello Fury. GET TICKETS Mar 18 | 4:00PM Rediscover Children’s Performance consists of excerpts from the full-length production, plus a fun, interactive portion on stage with the dancers for all children in attendance! The event is designed for children ages 10 and under. It is a great opportunity to introduce children to dance as a performing art, enjoy a theater experience, a...
The personal blog of western Pennsylvania journalist Dave Zuchowski.