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Showing posts from March, 2025

Prime Stage Brings An Inspirational Drama to the New Hazlett Stage

  There seems to be some impulse in the human psyche that strives to memorialize. Everything from the naming of museums and theaters after financial benefactors and the erection of grave markers both colossal and modest to dedicating ships and creating holidays (think Memorial Day and the feast day of St, Patrick) that spotlights this inclination. On another level, playwright Celeste Raspanti underscores the drive and power of memory in her stirring drama I Never Saw Another Butterly and The Terezin Promise . Set in the concentration camp of Terezin in Czechoslovakia as World War Two is going badly for the Nazis, we meet the young Raja Englanderova. Just off the train and entering the bleak and dismal camp under the gateway arch emblazoned with the ironically diabolical words Arbeit Macht Frei, she enters frightened and alone. She soon finds some emotional support from Irene Synkova (Holland Adele Taylor), who has been secretly encouraging a young group of Jewish girls (pl...

Join PBT for Dinner En Pointe

  Photo:  BALVANERA Dinner En Pointe is back!   After selling out last year, this exclusive fine dining experience will again be hosted at the Argentinian restaurant  Balvanera  and feature a sumptuous  multi-course dinner  in celebration of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. Join us for a memorable evening  with a dinner curated by Chef Fernando Navas.  Space is limited to 60 guests .  Table sponsorships are $3,500  and include seating for four guests plus an additional spot for a PBT artist or director.  Individual tickets are $500 .  This dinner is one of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre's major fundraising events of the season. We invite you to participate as a sponsor or individual supporter and help make it a success. If you have any questions, Aziza El Feil at . We hope to see you on April 29th! Nicholas Dragga, CFRE Executive Director Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre 806-786-6604 (mobile) RSVP GE...